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Live with Japanese People

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Come on UP

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Come on UP share mates are from all over Japan and from all over the world.
There are engineers,musicians, consultants, teachers,
entrepreneurs, half-actor and half-accountant etc.

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At Come on UP, we share our living with our share mates who would inspires
you on various way of their lives.

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We operate intimate size of 5-9 people house, and each having their own room.
Therefore, you can keep your privacy at the same time you can relax
and share comfortable time.


Come on UP has a lot of unique culture that you won't find anywhere else.

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CULTURE. 01Monthly house meeting

We hold a meeting (dinner party, etc.) for sharemates once a month. At the meeting, we announce the utility bills for the previous month, talk about things in the house, and hold welcome parties for new sharemates.

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CULTURE. 02Utilities costs are shared by everyone

Generally, other companies collect a fixed common service fee every month, but in the case of Come on UP, we receive 10,000 yen for utility bills every month, and we share the monthly utility bills with all sharemates. If there is a difference, the surplus money can be used to buy common items for the house. We believe this method is fair for everyone and saves money and electricity.

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CULTURE. 03I trust that person, so I don't need a guarantor.

In the case of ordinary rental or shared housing, in addition to the advance rent at the time of moving in, there is a tenant guarantee company screening and guarantee company fee to prevent unpaid rent, but at Comeonup, we do not require the introduction of a guarantee company because we conduct a thorough interview at the time of viewing.

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CULTURE. 04We do the cleaning ourselves.

Cleaning is done by all share mates, so cleaning is not done by a cleaning company. The quality of the share house is maintained by all of the share mates by making sure to clean up after themselves what they have soiled.

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CULTURE. 05Support the dreams of your share mates.

I want to speak English fluently this year! Comeonup offers plans for such people, as well as plans for those who are serious about becoming programmers and web designers, and other plans to support the dreams of our share mates.

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CULTURE. 06Community Manager System.

Each share house at Come on up has a dedicated community manager who helps create an environment where Come on up and its sharemates can live in a mutually supportive and mutually influential environment.



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